KENTUCKY BLACK RAIL - 4 RAIL $13.99 FT. - 3 RAIL $11.99 FT. - 2 RAIL $9.99 FT.(300 ft minimum order.) - WHITE 3 RAIL - $11.99 FT. - NEW Bufftech White Privacy Fence 6 X 8. Now Only $19.99 per ft. Or $159.92 per panel Complete including post, cap rails and T & G Pickets Finally an affordable White Privacy fence. ---

Spring Sale Going On Now!

- Update: We are now accepting orders for most all Bufftech Timber Grain and Certablend Residential fence styles. Lead-time 3 weeks. Black 3 rail horse fence $12.49 per ft.3 Rail Pasture Rail Horse Fence $9.99 ft. (not available in all areas 500 ft. minimum order)Lexington Privacy Fence $27.37 Complete.Allegheny Privacy Fence $59.99 per ft. COMPLETE.Sherwood Privacy Fence $62.00 Complete. - 4/1/23 Realistic Woodgrain Bufftech Timber Grain 2, 3 and 4 rail horse fences are back in production in 4 colors. - We are now accepting orders for most all Bufftech Timber Grain and Certablend Residential fence styles. Lead-time 3 weeks. Black 3 rail horse fence $12.49 per ft.3 Rail Pasture Rail Horse Fence $9.99 ft.Lexington Privacy Fence $27.37 Complete.Allegheny Privacy Fence $59.99 per ft. COMPLETE.Sherwood Privacy Fence $62.00 Complete. 4/1/23 Realistic Woodgrain Bufftech Timber Grain 2, 3 and 4 rail horse fences are back in production in 4 colors.
Important notice: There will be a price increase on many items effective 5/1/21. Please act by Friday, May 30 on any orders in progress to lock in any prices.

Railing Installation

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Wood or Vinyl Deck Installation

Method One
The simplest and most ecomonical method for installing vinyl railing on a wood deck or stair is to use a pressure treated 4″ x 4″ (actual dimension 3 – 1/2″ x 3 – 1/2″) as the structure and sleeving it with vinyl. ( Check with your local building code officials for proper 4 x 4 wood installation procedures) The wood post should be cut just below the routed opening for the top rail.

The vinyl post is then slipped over the wood post.

The bottom rail is attached to the post with the “U” bracket that is provided for this type of installation. This installation method will require on site modification of the bottom rail end to allow the rail to be slid over the bracket. Use a jig saw / sabre saw with a blade intended for aluminum to accomplish this modification. Then install the pickets and the top rail and post cap plus the post trim ring per the instructions provided.

Method Two
We also have specially designed mounting hardware available for mounting to decks. See diagram below. This complete hardware package is available in four sizes: 36″ and 42″ plus slightly taller versions for stairs.

Concrete Installation

Method One
The simplest solution for mounting on concrete is as follows:

  1. Mark where each 4 x 4 vinyl post will be mounted on the concrete
  2. Drill Two (2) half inch holes in the concrete 4 inches deep in opposite corners of the post.
  3. Epoxy 2 lengths of 1/2 inch (#4) rebar into the concrete. The length of the re-bar should be just to the bottom of the top rail on the post.
  4. Slip post over the re-bar and fill with concrete to just below bottom of top rail.

Method Two

  1. Mark where each 4 x 4 vinyl post will be mounted on the concrete
  2. Core drill a 2″ hole into the concrete 4″ deep
  3. Epoxy a 2″ heavy wall galvanized pipe into cement. It should be cut just below the bottom of the top rail.
  4. Slide post over and fill with concrete to just below the bottom of the top rail.

Method Three
Use our optional, specifically designed concrete post mounting kit – see diagram below. Available for 36″ and 42″ high railings.