KENTUCKY BLACK RAIL - 4 RAIL $13.99 FT. - 3 RAIL $11.99 FT. - 2 RAIL $9.99 FT.(300 ft minimum order.) - WHITE 3 RAIL - $11.99 FT. - NEW Bufftech White Privacy Fence 6 X 8. Now Only $19.99 per ft. Or $159.92 per panel Complete including post, cap rails and T & G Pickets Finally an affordable White Privacy fence. ---

Spring Sale Going On Now!

- Update: We are now accepting orders for most all Bufftech Timber Grain and Certablend Residential fence styles. Lead-time 3 weeks. Black 3 rail horse fence $12.49 per ft.3 Rail Pasture Rail Horse Fence $9.99 ft. (not available in all areas 500 ft. minimum order)Lexington Privacy Fence $27.37 Complete.Allegheny Privacy Fence $59.99 per ft. COMPLETE.Sherwood Privacy Fence $62.00 Complete. - 4/1/23 Realistic Woodgrain Bufftech Timber Grain 2, 3 and 4 rail horse fences are back in production in 4 colors. - We are now accepting orders for most all Bufftech Timber Grain and Certablend Residential fence styles. Lead-time 3 weeks. Black 3 rail horse fence $12.49 per ft.3 Rail Pasture Rail Horse Fence $9.99 ft.Lexington Privacy Fence $27.37 Complete.Allegheny Privacy Fence $59.99 per ft. COMPLETE.Sherwood Privacy Fence $62.00 Complete. 4/1/23 Realistic Woodgrain Bufftech Timber Grain 2, 3 and 4 rail horse fences are back in production in 4 colors.
Important notice: There will be a price increase on many items effective 5/1/21. Please act by Friday, May 30 on any orders in progress to lock in any prices.

Privacy Fence

Vinyl Privacy Fence Wholesale is simple, clean in appearance, easy to install, includes galvanized steel in the rails so it will never sag and is the very best price for vinyl privacy fence panels anywhere. Home Depot and Lowes and some of the other vinyl fence sites try to make it appear that theirs costs less by not including the rest pieces and parts you need but we include everything except the cement and the work to put it in your yard.

NEW Bufftech  White Privacy Fence 6 X 8. $24.99 per ft. Or $199.99 per panel Complete including post, cap rails and T & G Pickets  Finally an affordable White Privacy fence.

White Vinyl Fence

Vinyl Fence Wholesale

We offer wholesale vinyl fence directly to the public!
Shop for Vinyl Fencing Online Below.

A good vinyl privacy fence can add comfort as a visual barrier as well as security to your home. If you like to keep to yourself and prefer others not looking into your space, privacy fence may be the right answer. But the result is that if your neighbors can’t see in, then it’s likely that you can’t see out, so privacy works both ways.

NEW Bufftech  White Privacy Fence 6 X 8. $24.99 per ft. Or $199.99 per panel Complete including post, cap rails and T & G Pickets  Finally an affordable White Privacy fence.

The Truth About Vinyl Privacy Fence Wall Thickness: Wall thickness of vinyl fence is NOT a true measure of strength or performance. It is touted by those who would mislead in order to make a sale. Read More…

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